When talking about Jewish art we can find an atypical tradition to the visual arts such as painting or sculpture. Jerusalem paintings and other forms of expression involving images began to take prominence in the late eighteenth century but especially during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In this period a large number of Jewish artists began to emerge around the world who, influenced by other cultures, gave way to a process of secularization of Jewish art.
Diversity in the Jewish arts
The arts of the Hebrew people lived to diversify with the inclusion of new forms of expression. Today there is a large number of artists dedicated to creating quality pieces in varied and modern styles. Although the subject matter is not exclusively religious, the paintings of Jerusalem demonstrate the identity and tradition of the Jewish people.
Newspaper painting
The diversification of the Jewish arts encompasses an enormous range of new forms of artistic expression. One of the innovative ideas in which Jewish artists have also ventured is Newspaper painting. This technique consists of capturing a work of art on a very particular canvas, a newspaper.
Jewish art for all tastes
Art is born from the feeling and expression of each artist, which is why there is no single convention that dictates how the process of creating work should be. As well as Newspaper Painting, there is an immense amount of new and modern forms of art that derive from the creativity of the artist.
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